Kathy Engel Stabler CPDT-KA has been training dogs since 1994 when she got her first Cairn Terrier, Walker.
* Titles in NACSW with 6 different dogs of 4 different breeds, with numerous element placements
* Titles in USCSS and AKC scentwork.
*Judge for USCSS scent program since 2016.
*Attended Nosework camp twice (2013 and 2015), handling my own dogs while learning from the top detection handlers and trainers in the country in two separate 4-day intensive workshops.
*Host for NACSW ORT tests.
*Starting competing in USDAA and NADAC agility in 1996, currently compete in AKC, USDAA, CPE, and TDAA.
*Judge for TDAA.
*Trained and titled 9 different dogs of 5 different breeds: mixed breeds, Border Terriers, Cairn Terriers, Scottish Terriers, and working cocker spaniel.
*Trained and handled Jackson to 3 agility championships: MACH, MACH2, and TACH.
*Attended USDAA Cynosports in Denver in 2014
*Attended the AKC Invitational in 2008 (Cozy, Cairn Terrier), 2014, 2015, and 2016 (Jackson, Scottish Terrier)
*Attended the AKC National Championships in Reno in 2015 with Jackson, finishing in the top 20.
*AKC ACT evaluator
*Trained and titled 5 different dogs of 3 different breeds to Master Earthdog - two Cairns, two Border Terriers, and one Scottish Terrier.
*Earthdog judge since 1999.
*One of the founders of the Rocky Mountain Earthdog Club in 1997-1998.
Other Dog Sports:
Trick dog and Canine Good Citizen evaluator since 2018.
Kathy feels privileged to have learned from these dogs:
Robyn (1990-2003) earned titles in NADAC and USDAA agility, and was a therapy dog for the School for the Deaf and Blind for many years. Robyn was a rescued mixed breed.
Walker (1993-2008) earned agility titles in NADAC, USDAA, and AKC. He was a Master Earthdog. and also a therapy dog at the School for the Deaf and Blind. Walker was featured on the Animal Planet TV show "Breed All About It: Cairn Terriers" in 2001.
Buddy (1996-2005) was another rescue dog. Buddy was a stray with "issues" who taught Kathy about the power of clicker training. Buddy earned a few agility titles, the ATTS Temperment Test title, and his Canine Good Citizen title, and was her heart dog.
Cozy (1999-2014) was a Cairn Terrier who did it all: conformation, agility, earthdog, nosework, motherhood, and RallyO. In 2008, Cozy went to the AKC Agility Invitational. She was one in a million.
Tucker (born 2004) is a Border Terrier. He is retired from almost everything except long walks and nosework practice. He is a breed champion with titles in earthdog, agility, rally, nosework, and Barn Hunt.
Kilda (born 2005) is Tucker's half sister. She is a Master Earthdog, and also has titles in agility, RallyO, nosework, Barn Hunt, and coursing.
Wager (born 2007) is a Scottish Terrier. His accomplishments include agility titles, nosework titles, and Rally Novice. He is currently competing in NW3 with numerous element placements and has his USCSS Advanced Nosework title.
Jackson (born 2008) is another Scottish Terrier. Jackson earned his MACH2 in 2018, and his TACH in 2020. In 2014, 2015, and 2016, he went to the AKC Agility Invitational. Jackson also has titles in USDAA and DOCNA agility, as well as his Master Earthdog title, Rally Novice at 11 months old, and Barn Hunt titles. Jackson earned his NW1 and NW2 in back-to-back weekends in 2016 with placements. He is still competing in agility and occasionally RallyO.
Dash (born 2017) is a Working Cocker Spaniel who earned his first NW3 in 2021 on his first try, with a 2nd place overall. He is in training for more nosework, agility, and lots of other sports!